2. EAR and EYE protection MUST be worm at ALL times.
  3. Firearms are to remain at the stalls at ALL times unless cased or holstered.
  4. NO Smoking, Food or Drinks allowed in the range.
  5. IF you are a novice shooter, it is your responsibility to inform the attendant. This is for your safety and the safety of others.
  6. ALL Firearms are to be emptied AND made safe with the action open when not being in use.
  7. NO loaded firearm is permitted outside the range unless you are authorized by law to carry a firearm (Law Enforcement – CCW). No firearm shall be removed from your holster OR case in the show room or waiting area.
  8. IN the event your firearm jams or has any issues with firing, LEAVE it in the stall POINTING DOWNRANGE and inform the On-Duty Range Officer.
  9. NEVER shoot cross stalls. Shoot only at the target directly in front of you.
  10. Maximum of TWO (2) people per stall.
  11. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES is ANYBODY allowed forward of the firing line. If you drop something or it falls forward ask the On-Duty Range Officer for assistance.
  12. In the case of a CEASE FIRE being called, PLEASE open the action and set your firearm down in the stall, pointing DOWN Range and STEP BACK away from the stall.
  13. Please clean your stall after shooting, as a courtesy to others.
  14. NO Drawing from the Holster.
  15. NO Rapid Fire- 1 (one) shot per second.
  16. NO Head Shots—YOU will be responsible for any damage you cause to the target carrier.
  17. IF you wish to RENT one of our firearms you MUST use our ammunition.
  18. ANY behavior deemed unsafe by our staff may result in expulsion with loss of range privilegesNO refunds will be granted.
  19. The RANGE is rented in Half(1/2) hour and One (1) hour increments. It is YOUR responsibility to monitor your time.
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