The B&D Shooting Range Ammo Usage Policy is as follows:
Our range has been updated to accept standard handgun and rifle calibers up to 30-06 or equivalent; including .303 British, 8mm Mauser and 7.62x54R
For your safety and the safety of others on the range, please review our Range Guidelines and only use approved calibers on the range. Violators or those putting themselves or others in harms way may be removed. If you have any questions, ask first.
Range Guidelines:
– Rimfire & Centerfire shooters welcome
– Our range supports a maximum muzzle velocity of 3600 ft p/sec
– Lead and Lead Jacketed ONLY
– No steel projectile / No Russian ammunition
– Jacket Hollow Point is allowed
– 2.23/5.56 caliber is allowed. No Green Tip in any rifle caliber
– Shotguns ARE allowed, but MUST USE ONLY B&D Shooting Range ammunition. Our ammo is Double-Aught Buck (00 Buck) in a controlled flight shell that prevents the pellets from going on other customer’s lanes. We only have 12 gauge and .410 caliber shells in stock.
– NO Armor piercing, Tracer or Russian ammo allowed
– NO Magnums Calibers such as .264 Win Mag, any 7mm Mag, 300 PRC, any 300 Magnums or larger caliber allowed
For Special Events including Steel Plate or Action Shoots:
-Rimfire & Centerfire shooters welcome
– Max Calibers: Only handgun calibers – NO magnum
– Lead and Lead Jacketed ONLY
– No steel projectile / No Russian ammunition
– Jacket Hollow Point is allowed
If you don’t have a firearm that meets the above specs, you can always rent one from us.
Q: I reload my ammunition, is there any problems with picking up my own brass for reloading?
A: There are no problems picking up your own brass for reloading